Interactive Audience Engagement

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What Questions Should the Presidential Candidates Really be Answering?

Please test out the tool and give us feedback in the comments area below! Submit your own question and give a point to or "boost" the ones you like. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Quick "feature": If I add a question it comes up on my profile as something I added AND something I boosted (presumably if I add it, I haven't boosted it, or anyway it shouldn't show up?)

Soren said...

Hi Jessica, yes, we assume that if you add something, you also want to boost it, so it automatically goes in both boosted and added.

lhtorres said...

soren, great work - much nicer, more compact interface, without being crowded.

i'm wondering about the use of this on networking-oriented campaign sites - any really that seek to build something like community. might you want to add some more tools for contacting commenters and boosters? like - might be neat if there was a way to connect with people. even things to 'humanize' the interface, like upload a picture for profile, and say something about yourself.

i'm also curious about the flagging - how does that work? its a great idea - what does it take to delete spam? as far as i can tell, a notice appears *with* the comment, which doesn't really help/solve the problem.

anyway, great that its an embeddable file now. very smooth :)

Soren said...

Thanks Lars. I will send you more detail in an email, but once you mark something as Spam, it is visible in the control panel to the creator of the site, and he/she has the ability to delete it.